Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is there a tutorial for mouse-over text/graphic changes for various parts of the page?

I'm looking for a tutorial or sample code that will allow you to mouseover a certain part of the page, and have the code/script change the background color/text/text color on multiple areas of the page simultaneously. Can this be done with normal HTML? PHP can be used too as long as theres some type of tutorial that explains it in plain english. I have a basic understanding of HTML.Is there a tutorial for mouse-over text/graphic changes for various parts of the page?
You cause DOM (Document Object Model, e.g, how Web pages are interpreted by Web browsers) elements to change appearance via JavaScript.

jQuery is a standard library of JavaScript functions that, among other things, makes manipulating the DOM somewhat straightforward.


http://www.dougv.com/blog/tag/javascript鈥?/a>Is there a tutorial for mouse-over text/graphic changes for various parts of the page?
Simply do an internet search with ';javascript onmouseover example'; and you will find lots of sites, as well as examples of code for all possibilities.

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