Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is there a tutorial to make a good text icon?

Sort of like this one:


I kind of suck at making text icons, so I wanted to see if there were any tuts.

*Icon belongs to wrthy2bluvd at LJIs there a tutorial to make a good text icon?
Actually it isn't that hard. You can either make the background image part and add the text over it or find an image you like and add the text over it. All it takes is a reasonably good Graphics Editor. This one is free:


This is a very good online Graphics Editor that has a lot of good effects and animation you can do with your text icon:


RonIs there a tutorial to make a good text icon?
My favorite one is at LJ, here: http://community.livejournal.com/grrliz_鈥?/a>

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